Resumption of railway traffic in Belgium : First Thalys trains between Brussels and Paris tonight

Information at 4.45pm

In the course of the resumption of railway traffic in Belgium, Thalys sets in the first connections between Brussels and Paris tonight from 5 pm. For tomorrow, 23rd March 2016, the resumption of the entire Thalys traffic is foreseen, but presumably with heavy perturbations and delays.

From Brussels Midi two Thalys trains will depart to Paris Gare du Nord :

  • 7.13 pm departure from Brussels Midi
  • 9.57 pm  departure from Brussels Midi

From Paris Gare du Nord two Thalys trains will depart to Brussels Midi :

  • 5.16 pm departure from Paris Gare du Nord
  • 7.13 pm departure from Paris Gare du Nord

The train station Brussels Midi is accessible via the entrance at Horta Place only.

Thalys continues to recommend to its clients the postponement of travels from and to Brussels. Regarding the further Thalys traffic, the company will inform clients and public via and the twitter account @Thalys_eng.

Thalys remains in contact with the national safety authorities in each country. There are stringent security measures in force at the stations served by Thalys. Further Thalys remains available to guide its customers in these difficult circumstances. The customer service is available by phone (+32 70 66 77 88).

Information for ticket exchange and reimbursement :

All Thalys tickets valid for travels on March 22nd and March 23rd, can be exchanged free of charges or reimbursed at the initial point of sales.

Thalys thanks their clients for their understanding.

Bérengère Vuathier


Wim Lefebure

Whyte Corporate Affairs

Ariane Goossens

Whyte Corporate Affairs


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About Thalys

  • For over 20 years, Thalys has been bringing the cultures and economies of four European countries closer together. In 2018, Thalys reached the milestone of 7.5 million passengers a year.
  • The journey time of the red high-speed trains from Brussels to Paris is only 1h20, to Cologne 1h47 and to Amsterdam 1h50. 
  • Thalys took the digital lead with Wi-Fi on board Thalys trains from 2008 and the company has distinguished itself from the outset with an exceptional service: multilingual welcome, ergonomic comfort and quality catering.
  • Since December 2017, Thalys passengers have been able to choose between three journey categories. A "Standard" trip starts at €29 (Paris) and €19 (Germany and the Netherlands). "Comfort" offers a first-class coach and "Premium" provides the passenger with a full service package with a meal served at the seat.
  • In 2016, Thalys also launched its low-cost alternative IZY between Brussels and Paris, which offers a mean journey time of 2h30 and 30% cheaper tickets.
  • Thalys was transformed into a fully-fledged railway company in 2015, with SNCB and SNCF as shareholders.


Place Marcel Broodthaers 4, 1060 - Saint-Gilles